Saturday, 16 November 2024

Waders and other shore birds in April 2024

 Waders continue to be presence in month of April albeit with slightly less numbers. 

Terek Sandpiper 

Xenus cinereus

Wonder why they called them a 'Xenus' and not a 'Calidris' or a 'Tringa'?

Terek Sandpiper 

Xenus cinereus

Yep ! that's what I am expecting to see at this time of the year - waders in breeding colours.

Tibetan Sand Plover 

Looks like a Charadrius mongolus (solid black mask without broad white patches)

Tibetan Sand Plover 

Most likely a male too.

Another breeding looking wader.

Curlew Sandpiper

Calidris ferruginea 

Common Greenshank 

Tringa nebularia

Looks like it hasn't fully developed into its full breeding plumage or perhaps it's a female.

This is probably the best shot I ever had on this wader in full breeding plumage !

Marsh Sandpiper

Tringa stagnatilis

Marsh Sandpiper

Tringa stagnatilis

We all yearn to see them in this breeding plumage.

Marsh Sandpiper

Tringa stagnatilis

Consuming as much protein and fat before their long journey to their respective breeding grounds.

Marsh Sandpiper

Tringa stagnatilis

They don't have much underwing patterns as compared to Bar-tailed Godwits.

Pacific Golden Plover

Pluvialis fulva

Another wader in breeding plumage.


Red-necked Stint 

Calidris ruficollis 

This stint is not yet done with its breeding plumage I guess.

Is this a Red-necked Stint or something else?

Note: A local expert confirmed that it was just a RNS after all.


Numenius phaeopus

Not sure whether those are breeding plumage or not ? 


Here's another interesting one.

Common Redshank 

I wonder whether it's a Ssp craggi or perhaps a terrignotae?

Terns are also changing into their breeding plumage.

Whiskered Tern

Burung Botak ! as locals called them.

Lesser Adjutant 

Leptoptilos javanicus

They have become more common in the Selangor coastline but uncommon elsewhere.

All Egrets are Herons but not all Herons are Egrets !

Grey Heron

A typical sunning pose by this Heron.

This is a juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron. 

They are so adapted to human presence that you can approach them quite close. Maybe one day I will try to hand feed them.

Another large bird hanging out at our coastal shore. More frequent now in the Selangor coastline.

Painted Stork 

Locals called them 'Burung Zoo' cause many of them probably originated from our National Zoo.




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