Monday, 20 September 2021

The Flora and Fauna of Malaysia's Forest (Part 1)

Here are some of the flora and fauna photos captured in early 2021 till todate. I will start with some mammals and insects which I have encountered in my field trips. 

Dusky Leaf Monkey / Dusky Langur / Spectacled Leaf Monkey

Status: Near Threatened 

They don't call them leaf monkeys for nothing.

These are White-thighed Surili (Presbytis siamensis)

They got very long tail.

Status: Near Threatened 

They can move fairly easy in the thick jungle despite their size.

This must be an adult female.

Long-tailed Macaque

A very friendly juvenile / sub adult Wild Boar.


Most of these juveniles are curious lots

Family bonding time.

It came very close to 'smell' me but unfortunately I did not bring any food for them.

So it decided to show me where and how they find their food - right in front of me.

Their snout acts like a shovel.

Local folks told me that they have seen wild boars on the beach. I don't believe them initially until I saw these tracks.

A cicada is said to live under-ground for a couple of years before they finally emerge.

When they finally emerged, their life span is around two to five years only.

There were quite a lot of butterflies but this one caught my attention.

This stick insect is endangering itself by sunbathing in the open.

Another sticky insect. 

According to the experts here, this is a female 'Green-striped flying stick insect' (Presbistus peleus).

This looks like a stint bug.

Part 2 of the series coming up in the next post !

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