Sunday, 11 April 2021

Terns of Peninsular Malaysia

The terns in this region are one of the most graceful sea birds you could watched. The ones which are highlighted here are the "Common Tern" (Sterna hirundo), "Whiskered Tern" (Chlidonias hybridus) and "White-winged Tern" (Chlidonias leucopterus). All photos were taken during my recent pelagic trip off the coast of Kuala Selangor.

Common Tern

Sometimes this kind of photo will inspire you to go out there more often.

An egg bearing female Common Tern perhaps

Another awesome photo of a Common Tern.

Whiskered Tern

Whiskered Tern can be found in abundance in the coastal regions. They are however also reported to have been seen more inland such as inland lakes, rivers and hillside.

Squabbling Whiskered Terns

At this time of the year, you can see semi or fully dressed summer plumage among the Whiskered Terns.

A Whiskered Tern with breeding plumage

When on the hunt, they do produced calls which sounded like "krik, krik, krik".

It appears like I might have pasted the Whiskered Tern in the above photo.

The above Whiskered Terns are still developing its summer plumage.

While this one is still a long way to go in breeding colors..

White-winged Tern

The above photo was the only one taken in this trip. There might probably be more but Whiskered Terns numbers definitely outnumbered the White-winged terns.



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