Saturday, 13 September 2014

A Starry Frog

It is rarely that i would come across an amphibian or a reptile in my trips. After all as you know they are mainly nocturnal creatures. To see one hopping in the jungle floor in a day time was like finding an exoplanet in a large milky way.

Thanks to the MNS Herp Group, i was able to identify this frog as a "White-Lipped Frog" (Hydrophylax labialis) and not a "common green frog" as earlier predicted. Asked an Indonesian, he would probably say: "Ini kodok dong bukan chok kodok" ! Could the word "hydro" in its scientific name means that it is associated with some water elements?

You could clearly see the twinkly spots on its entire upper part body. "A Sky Full of Stars" ! Not sure how or why the spots appear. Need to ask a herpetologist to know the answer.

It stood there for awhile before it hop deeper into the jungle.

This was another specimen which i have spotted nearby. Are they a pair and was trying to mate?

Talking about frogs there was a tale of a group of frogs which some how fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told them that they would be as good as dead. So some of the frogs started to jump to reach to the top and as soon as one is near the top the other frogs inside the pit would pull it down until there were two frogs left. The other frogs kept telling them to give up. Finally one of the frogs took heed and gave up. It eventually laid down and died. The other frog continued to jump as hard as it could and the crowd yelled at him to stop and just die. In one final push, he jumped as hard as it could and finally managed to get out of the pit. When it got out, the other frogs said "did you not hear us"? Then the frog explained to them that it was almost deaf and it thought that they were encouraging him all the time :-)

In life there are always people who try to run you down, saying bad things and doing nasty things like some radio DJs. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill him or her. Whereas an encouraging word to someone who is down can help him/her make it through the day. That is the power of the tongue. 

Enjoy Nature! Enjoy Life !

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