Saturday, 15 February 2014

Watching Waders at Bagan Belat, Muara Sg Abdul - Jan & Feb 2014

Watching waders is not really my forte but if you want to enjoy what you like to do then you will just need to get through it. So after having some splendid views of the flycatchers at Air Itam Dalam i drove up to Bagan Belat, hoping to catch the waders just before the receding tide. Relying on the fishing tide chart which i do at times i reached the place at about 4.40pm and lo and behold the tide had already gone down half way across the mudflats. To add to the misery, the waders were "muddling"  (if there is such a word) in an area where the sunlight was shining directly on it creating reflections of an unkind nature. Not satisfied with the initial trip i did visit the place again a few days later. So the photos depicted here included both the days.

Here are some of the "better" photos from the first visit (30 Jan 2014):

Terek Sandpiper
There were lots of them on the first day but only a few were spotted on my second visit. They were probably wading elsewhere i guess.

Eurasian Curlew
I believe this is a Common Greenshank rather than a Marsh Sandpiper

Looks like a Greater Sand Plover

A Brown-Headed Gull with a Broad-billed Sandpiper in the back ground.

A group of plovers and Curlew sandpipers

I think this was just a Germain's Swiftlet 

Day 2 - 2 February 2014

My second trip was much better. I reached the mudflats about 40 minutes before the tide receded at about 17.00 hrs/5pm.

A flock of Pacific Golden Plovers. I have noticed that they would circle around before deciding to land on a suitable site.

The waders were more concentrated here as compared to the first visit hence allowing better scrutinising of the birds. Bulk of the waders were Pacific Golden Plovers followed probably by Curlew Sandpipers.

White-Bellied Sea Eagle
Whiskered Tern
The one of your left is a Common Greenshank while the one on the right was probably a Spotted/Nordman's Greenshank. Looks like they might have some kind of disagreement. Note: after further checking both the birds could have just been Common Greenshanks after all.

A Great Egret had also just landed.

A trio of Bar-Tailed Godwits. Initially i thought i have also seen an Asian Dowitcher but in the absence of a positive id and for ethical reporting i decided to forgo it.

Curlew Sandpiper
Marsh Sandpiper
Common Redshank
Common Greenshank
There were lots of this small whitish colored sand plovers but i believe they were just Lesser Sand Plovers

Initially i thought the bird behind the curlew was a Grey Plover but experts say it was just a Pacific Golden Plover. 

Broad-Billed Sandpiper or Curlew ? (left)

A group of Curlew Sandpipers 

Although the weather was extremely hot on both days but i did enjoyed the trips and would certainly continue to do wader watching in the near future. 

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