Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Kemensah - 2 Nov 2013

What would you do if you have just 2 hours of birding time? Well i was a bit lucky that my home is near to a secondary forest which was just about 30 minutes drive. Knowing that the day will be full of people due to the festive holiday (Deepavali), i parked my car further down the road and birded along the road. True enough there were lots of "Valentino Rossi" and "Sebastian Vettel" going to & fro the area but the birds can still be seen.

Stripped-Throated Bulbul

Grey-rumped Treeswift
House Swift

A common White-throated Kingfisher on an unusual perch.

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Orange-Bellied Flowerpecker

Drongo Cuckoo
Until today i have not seen the white patch on the nape of this species as described by some field guides.

As the day was quite sunny, the butterflies also did appeared on the trail.

Chocolate Albatross
This was the first time i was able to take a decent photo of a butterfly in flight.

Mapwings - C.nivalis

Here is what a butterfly expert (Mr LiewNL) has to say about this butterfly: "Mapwings are usually found at a certain elevation in the hills in Malaysia and are decidedly insects of the forests - meaning it is unlikely to be seen in a town park or wooded area in a housing estate. That having said, it should be considered a common butterfly and they are most common throughout the months of April - July"

Despite the crowded area, i believe i have heard the calls of a trogon. It has just called twice and then went quiet. This certainly gave me more reasons to visit this place in the near future.

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