Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Birding in JB - Jan 2013

For the brand new year i went to a new birding spot which is located at Janda Baik (JB) :-). Although there were no lifers but a few interesting birds did appear at this place.

Red-Eyed Bulbul (Pycnonotus brunneus)

Stripped Throated Bulbul (Pycnonotus finlaysoni)
Red-eyed bulbuls and Stripped throated bulbuls were the most common bulbuls spoted here.

Black Hornbill (Anthracoceros malayanus)
According to Robson (2007) field guide, black hornbills are quite rare while Allen J & Pearson (2012) reported that it belongs to a Near Threatened category. This could be a female as most guide books described females as having smaller and blackish bill/casque. However do note that it has a broad white supercilium which usually points to a male bird ! So could this be a juvenile male bird then?

Bamboo Woodpecker (Male)

Bamboo Woodpecker (female)
Mountain Imperial Pigeon

Scarlet Minivets (male & female) were presence here as well.

Its only early January however this White-rumped munia (Lonchura striata) is already in the midst of building a nest.

Rufescent Prinia (Prinia rufescent)
Although its a common bird but it is more often heard than seen. This fellow seems to be in a breeding mood as illustrated by its greyish color head.

According to an old folks tale a righteous person could see fairies flying or dancing around lily flowers like this one in a moonlit night.

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