Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Birding in Templer's Park

As today was a public holiday in the state of Selangor, i did some birding with a birder from Scotland (Tim Bromilow). It is supposed to be a reserve forest and its just about 20 minutes away from KL. Its one of those birding trips where you will see more mammals than birds. In addition, some of the trails were really in the bad shape (overgrown shrubs and fallen trees everywhere) which rendered some to be unpassable. Then there was an abandoned black magic altar which makes the trail a bit spooky. To top it up i have 6 leech bites ( 4 on the legs, one on the hand and one on the stomach!). The only consolation from this trip was this female Scarlet-Rumped Trogon.

and this Grey-Bellied Bulbul

This is a Gold-Whiskered Bulbul - a common resident in Templer's Park.

This is a Large-billed Crow flying by. A huge bird with wide wing span.

These are some of the many squirrels we saw on the trail.

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