Saturday, 23 September 2023

Birds in July and August 2023

 Here are some of the birds and a few chickens seen on these two months.

Brown Boobook (Ninox scutulata)

Formerly known as Brown Hawk Owl. It will call even during the day time just like the Collared Owlet. Funny that the locals don't call it a 'burung hantu' but instead called it a 'Burung Pungguk'.

I believe this is a Verditer Flycatcher.

Lesser Coucal

White-breasted Waterhen 

(caught taking flowers to its mate)

Pink-necked Green Pigeon

Black-headed Munia

Common Sandpiper

Common Sandpiper

They will be the first migratory bird species to arrive, just like the Grey Wagtail.

Lesser Whistling Duck

Lesser Whistling Duck

Their population is still strong and stable in Penang. Elsewhere not so sure.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus)


Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus)

Male (a sub-adult I believe)

Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus)

Looks like there are three female to a male. Not bad.


Sunday, 16 April 2023

Birds in March 2023 - raptors etc

When you do birding in March, usually you will be looking forward to the spring migration of raptors. Chances of seeing them at this time are usually higher. So in this post you will see some of them. But first of all the local birds first.

This is a male Scarlet Minivet 

The female Scarlet Minivet stayed higher than the male.

This flycatcher together with the Asian Brown were still around in March.

Female Green-backed Flycatcher

Square-tailed Drongo Cuckoo

This is a point blank shot as it came out from no where and stood right in front of me - probably less than 5 meters.

Greater Green Leafbird (female)

Blue-throated Bee Eater

I think this is a seasonal bird. Sometimes you can see them everywhere at certain months then they would 'disappear' for sometime before appearing again. 

Here is a different flycatcher.

Ferruginous Flycatcher

This is an uncommon flycatcher - migrant?

Like most of its close relatives, it would sally for insects and returned to the same branch again.

Okay now it's time for the raptors. The local ones first.

Black-thighed Falconet

They are quite common in Ampang area.

The next one is also a resident eagle.

Rufous-bellied Eagle

During their spring migration, they would travel in flocks - high up in the sky.

At first I saw three of them - they were all OHBs (Oriental Honey Buzzards)

Then came a flock of 11 of them. They were mainly males and some juveniles - according to experts.

As I was watching the above raptors, then this raptor flew silently into picture.

Blyth Hawk Eagle.

It supposed to be a resident eagle as well.

Then as I was about to go back I thought I saw a rock pigeon flying above.

It turns out to be a Black Baza. It was almost noon when I saw this Baza.

It's is a long way home for this lone raptor.


Exploring a New World of Mushrooms - March 2025

Climate change has affected many people - me included. I have detoured a little bit from the usual avian photos to highlight some of the mus...