Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Exploring the Jungle Trails of Rengit - Sept 2015

Nowadays going into the social media is like walking across a minefield. You will never know what you might step on. However there is nothing better than spending a day in the forest. The day over here started with a pair of Great Slaty Woodpecker (M.pulverulentus). The pair flew towards me from the direction of Lancang and as they came closer i could hear one of the pair calling as if saying that they have finally reached their destination. Fortunately and to my delight they decided to land on a huge tree just opposite of the road where i stood.

This is my lifer for this year.

Male (left) and female (right). 

While some of us would probably be seeping some nice warm tea at 8.00am, these woodpeckers have  already started to work by then - attending to their unfinished nest holes.

There are three nest holes as you can see here and it certainly take some great effort from a mighty great woodpecker to excavate such huge holes on a tree. 

Going further in i finally saw the 'transformation' that this place has experienced. Since "Science" is about exploring and discovering new things and not creating stuff which can destroy humankind for one's own vested interest, i decided to explore some of the trails which i could enter from the gaps in between the fences.
This was one of the trails which i have entered. While it was good to have a two fencing reinforcement strategy but i hope that the authorities, in this case probably the "Perhilitan" people are aware that some of the fences were erected on slopes which can be prone to landslides and they are also subjected to corrosion over the years. As you know "Pak Belang" can just be as smart as some domestic cats. Certainly there are lots of surveillance and maintenance work to be done here.

In ancient times, the samurai warriors were trained to access all aspects of their enemies, from their legs and hand movements to their facial expressions. Similar observations can be made in the antics of the 21st century boardroom meetings. If the Chairman or President accidentally drops his pen, the board members will be interpreting among themselves on the meaning of that incident - no bonus for this year?  Then when he coughed once or twice, does he meant yes or no? Should he accidentally gassed the room, his secretary would probably be the first one to excuse herself while the jokers would try to analyse whether it came from the mutton curry or the curry fish head he ate. The same principles taught by our ancient martial arts can be applied while you explore the jungle trails especially those which are new and unfamiliar to you unless you are going for a suicide mission. Hence "staying alert" and "be aware of your surroundings" are the two essential aspects that you should take note before entering the trails.

Besides the birds, here are some of the interesting things that i have found from the trails.
This print could have been made by a deer or a boar.

This one above most likely came from an elephant - perhaps a juvenile (Yana Kuti !)

Another elephant foot print. Looks like a big one !

Now how about this one? I believe it came from a small cat - leopard ? Notice the small print just right above the cat's print ! The predator is following right beside you!

Another profile of prints - predator and victims all in one. Most of the prints were fresh - meaning the animals could have just passed thru these trails the night before or just a few hours before i came. Once "pak belang" is inside the enclosure you will probably see a different set of prints - yikes !


Stripped-throated Bulbul
From my archive i have recently managed to retrieve a local research paper written by Hossein V. Moradi and Mohamed Zakaria (MNJ, 2009) which reported that insectivores are particularly prone to forest fragmentation and habitat destruction. The forest edge specialist such as Stripped Tit babbler, Fluffy-backed babbler and common tailor bird have shown highest density close to the forest edge. While its still early to ascertain the effect of this fence project on the forest edge inhabitants here but it is apparent that some of them especially the bottom dwellers like Pittas, Great Argus and Asian Red Junglefowl were noticeably missing this time. Same goes with the Stripped Tit babbler, Rufous-crowned babbler and trogons. Sooty-capped babblers can still be heard but they too have moved further into the interior of the forest.

The early drongo catches the caterpillar ! This is a Lesser Racket-Tailed Drongo.  

I realised that it is not so easy to take good photos in the forest. You either need some fast lenses or a tripod. If you have neither then you will just need to make do with what you have and try to get the best out from your equipment. 

Looks like Taylor Swift has also visited this place !  Nah this was a Whiskered treeswift.

Chestnut-rumped babbler

I have also heard a Black-capped babbler and a Chestnut-winged babbler calling near the road side. They were the only babblers heard and seen during my visit. 

Red-billed Malkoha
Although i have not seen the Chestnut-breasted Malkoha for quite awhile, i was glad to see this malkoha again.

This time i saw a flock of 6 Black Hornbills hanging around at their favourite tree. This was the alpha male which was seen disturbing the other males and the two female hornbills. 

This was one of the female Black Hornbill.

(note: photos have shown that female black hornbills do have broad white long supercilium too. This means that both sexes actually do have white supercilium which was previously only associated with males of this species).

The best time to see this hornbill is in the early morning (about 7.30am to 9.30am) after which they will dispersed deeper into the forest. 

In addition to the occasional calls from White-rumped Sharma, the Common Hill Myna's calls were the most often heard.

Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher
Wonder why don't they call it a Ron's Paradise Flycatcher? 

Olive-winged Bulbul
Black-bellied Malkoha
Plaintive Cuckoo (female)
Beside Black-bellied Malkoha, Plaintive cuckoo is reported to be a forest edge specialist too. This lone cuckoo was spotted near the vicinity of some Black-and-Yellow Broadbills.

Black-and-Yellow Broadbill (male)

By 11.30am i was actually done with this place and from the looks of things it will certainly take awhile before this place reclaims its past glory and fame. 

Until then Happy Birding!


Thursday, 13 August 2015

Birds of Genting Highlands - 2015 - Part II

This is a continuation from the first part of "Birds of Genting Highlands - 2015.

Ashy Bulbul
The color of its feathers certainly looks ashy alright but not sure why experts have re-named it as 'Cinereus bulbul" instead.

Grey-Headed Canary Flycatcher
At times you can hardly see this flycatcher in your birding trips but other times they can just appear almost every where.

Pin-Stripped Tit Babbler
There have been some local research conducted in Puchong some years back on the effect of brood parasitism on the population of its host and it was found that the population of some of its host have indeed been reduced. However this babbler seem to have no effect.

Mountain Fulvetta
I think Mountain Fulvetta is more common than Brown Fulvetta over here.

Slaty-Backed Forktail
This could be a sub-adult bird and this was also the first time i have managed to take its photos.

Black-Throated Sunbird - female
Did not see the male this time.

Dark-Necked Tairlorbird
You may asked me how did i know that it wasn't a common tailor bird instead ? Well just look at the color of their butt !

Here you go !

Here is an interesting looking bird. The color of its feathers was certainly brighter than a pale blue flycatcher.

It is not a disease bird but it was nevertheless a Pale Blue Flycatcher  - a sub adult that is! See the photos below of another Pale Blue Flycatcher which were also taken on the same day for comparison.

This one has spots all over its body.

While this one above was probably in molt. Based on the above photos, would it be possible to say that the colors of Pale Blue Flycatcher changes from bright blue to pale blue as they mature?

Fiery Minivet - female
Too bad the male Fiery Minivet did not stay long enough to be photographed.

Here is another family captured on camera.
Little Pied Flycatcher - male
From the brown color of its rump, this could probably be a female Little Pied Flycatcher.

And this one here is probably their young one !

A look from another angle - from its back !

Verditer Flycatcher
This flycatcher is slightly smaller than Pale Blue Flycatcher and the adult Verditer Flycatcher wears a Zorro like mask !

For comparison purposes, the middle one is a Pale Blue which was flanked by two Verditer Flycatchers ! 

"Awat hidung hang kemek macam itu?". This siamang also made its presence felt at this location albeit on a silence mode.

Blue Winged Leafbird - male
Blue Winged Leafbird - female
Glad to know that the Blue Winged Leafbirds are doing okay as well.

Everett's White Eye
The above is certainly an Everett but how about the ones below?

I believe they were Everett's White Eye too instead of Oriental.

This Himalayan Stripped Squirrel had also came down to enjoy the feast.

Lastly before i packed my bag and gears to head for home, i saw a group of photographers from China who have just arrived. These are real china men from China whom was lead by a local birder. They were carrying a small portable recorder and they immediately set it aloud to the sound which sounded like 'kok' 'kok' then followed by the familiar calls of a hornbill. Amazingly out from no where came the majestic Great Hornbill !

You can call them insane or disgusting but they have  somehow managed to lure the giant out from the forest and it did perched right in front of us.

Note: if you look closely at its median coverts, you will notice a small orangey/yellowish patch which color was actually secreted by some glands in male GHB. 

Great Hornbill - male
Luckily they were just a few bird photographer enthusiast and hopefully they did not spook this hornbill. If you travel up Genting Highlands lately you will noticed that there were lots of construction works up there which some are as big as a theme park at Johor Bharu. While no one will be critical about development works but the key word here is "sustainable development" ! Although from the photos depicted here and the earlier part 1 posting, you can see that the birds were breeding well at this location but with the massive development works going on now and in the future perhaps, one can only just wonder how long can the nature profile at this place be sustained !

Happy Birding !


Exploring a New World of Mushrooms - March 2025

Climate change has affected many people - me included. I have detoured a little bit from the usual avian photos to highlight some of the mus...