We did a trip down to KSNP again but this time we brought along a great Canadian couple with us. Most of the birds seen were lifers to them but on this trip there was also one or two surprises.
Surprise #1
Barred-Eagle Owl |
This wise ol Owl could usually be seen during dawn and dusk but this time it was at the side of the trail way past 10.00am.
Surprise # 2
Yellow-Rumped Flycatcher (Male) |
Although not unusual, this is the first time i have seen this flycatcher at this place. Its bright yellow color certaintly lit up the mangroves. We also saw the Mangrove Blue Flycatcher but this time it prefered to stay in the background.
Here are some of the other more "common" resident and migrant birds:
Copper-Smith Barbet |
Brown Shrike |
Common Sandpiper |
Common Redshank |
This fellow has caught a fish. We saw a total of 7 of this wader - mostly after the water has resided which was close to 13.00hrs.
Little Egret |
Grey Heron |
Instead of foraging on the mudflats, this heron choose to hide in the mangroves.
Grey Heron (in Flight) |
Unlike its relatives which would usually extend or retract their necks during flight, this heron's neck was held upright.
Common Flameback (Female) |
Common Flameback (Male) |
Golden Bellied Gerygone |
After having discussed with the experts, i believe this is a sub-adult.
Laced Woodpecker (Female) |
She was drenched after an overnight shower.
Common Iora |
Great Tit |
This is another common resident of KSNP but this is a Silver Leaf Monkey.
A happy couple I am sure.