Friday, 12 March 2021

Oriental Honey Buzzard (OHB) - Dark Morph

Once the MCO been re-categorised as CMCO (Conditional Movement Control Order) recently, I immediately set out to breath the fresh forest air. But the current bone-dry weather certainly makes the entire place looks like some autumn season here.

As I was walking towards the jungle path, I saw the silhouettes of two eagles flying at a distance. I quickly took some record shots and they turned out to be OHBs (Dark Morph). 

They were both circling close to each other.

The above OHB appears like having a gun shot to its wings.

They are certainly not a resident OHB.

Most likely they are looking for some prey for breakfast.

Both of them were reported to be adult male.


Here is a comparison between an OHB and a CSE






Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Watching shorebirds: The closer they get, the better they are.

Watching wildlife can be a pleasant and peaceful thing to indulged. They are non-prejudiced (impartial), non-political and non-religious. A tiger will not ask whether you are a Republican or a Democrat nor will a Hippopotamus ask whether you are able to recite the holy scriptures before chasing you away. They are all 'created' here for a purpose - to live and to breed for their species existence. There is no secret or special formula to see nature - just respect their comfort distance and you can get to enjoy a decent view of their beauty and behavior.   

Recently I celebrated my 10th year adventures of watching shorebirds in Peninsular Malaysia (2011 - 2021). As the tide was still rising and without much cover, my only approach was to walk directly to them. I inched my way as close as possible. At times I have to bend low on my knees and I will stopped for a moment and then slowly move again. I repeated the process until I went close to their invisible security barrier and this is what I got. 

A duo of Curlew Sandpipers and Red-necked Stints basking themselves in the morning sun.

Kentish Plover
(Winter plumage)

Kentish Plover and Lesser Sand Plover

Another Kentish Plover but with less profound colors. So happy to see both of them.

Red-necked Stint

A Red-necked Stint with a "Yellow over White" flag or perhaps "Orange over White" flag

A Red-necked Stint in the midst of developing mature flight feathers.

Red-necked Stint in flight.

A rather plain looking Red-necked Stint

A Black-bellied Plover (previously called Grey Plover). Differentiated from the "Pacific Golden Plover" by its more robust and thicker bill as well as its stockier body. Saw just two of them this time.

An adult Terek Sandpiper (showing a bit of its breeding plumage).

Another Terek Sandpiper

A Curlew Sandpiper

A comparison between a Broad-billed Sandpiper (left) and a Curlew Sandpiper (right).

A Common Redshank

A lone Common Greenshank

Here comes one of my favourite plovers - Lesser Sand Plover

They come in many shapes, sizes and plumages.

Feeling on top of a coconut. These are some of the cute little Lesser Sand Plovers seen.

Another Lesser Sand Plover with a white face markings.

The Lesser Sand Plover on the left has a different face markings. How unique they are at times.

Another of my favourite plovers - the Greater Sand Plover (left). 

A pristine looking Greater Sand Plover (above).

Another Greater Sand Plover (middle) I think.

A Brown-headed Gull

A flock of Brown-headed Gulls. Some of them were seen shading their feathers. Probably some old feathers I believe.

A Brown-headed Gull is about to land.

Three Red-necked Stints having a morning walk

Finally in the flats you can literally dance where ever you like.


Exploring a New World of Mushrooms - March 2025

Climate change has affected many people - me included. I have detoured a little bit from the usual avian photos to highlight some of the mus...