Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Flying Terns and Fighting Crabs - Part 1

Its amazing how things can change so fast. I was at the Kapar mudflats just a few months back and saw thousands of waders but now there were only pockets of them. Wonder where have they all gone? Scientific as well non-scientific theories quickly mushroomed. One theory states that since it is a migratory bird, they could have gone elsewhere while the other theory says they were probably spooked by the machines doing some extensive earthworks around the ashpond area.

A flock of Eurasian Curlews heading out to sea. Despite reaching the area at 7.15am, the waders were already on their way out to search for food.

At the same time a group of "White-Winged Terns" have make their way inland. It was nice to see them hovering above a canal and then dive down in tandem to pick their food. White-Winged Terns and Whiskered Terns featured quite prominently today. 

Common Sandpiper
Common Greenshank

Marsh Sandpiper in flight
A Paddy Field Pipit ? It was rather small.

Common Tern

White-Winged Terns

Whiskered Tern
A group of Marsh Sandpipers with a lone Common Redshank.

Marsh Sandpiper

A Grey Heron with a Common House Crow

See more pictures in part 2 of this post.......

Saturday, 1 December 2012


I was under an old durian tree when  i heard a soft knocking sound. Looking up and thinking it should be a woodpecker, i was surprised to see a coppersmith barbet excavating a hole in the durian tree.

Coppersmith Barbet (Megalaima haemacephala)

Looks like the males are the ones making the nest while the females lay the eggs. This bird was not calling but was actually panting - probably exhausted or lack of oxygen in the hole.

After returning to the durian tree two hours later the bird was still seen busy with his 'work' but it was no longer around the tree the following morning. The inner tree trunk was probably too hard and thick to excavate.

Exploring a New World of Mushrooms - March 2025

Climate change has affected many people - me included. I have detoured a little bit from the usual avian photos to highlight some of the mus...