Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Lentang Forest Reserve - Apr 2012

Lentang Forest Reserve is situated in the state of Pahang and this was only my second visit to the place. It is more famous for its beautiful waterfalls and rapids than birds.
This is a deeper part of the rapids which is located near the entrance of the forest reserve area. In terms of birds, there were quite a number of bulbuls seen here - red-eyed, stripped-throated, yellow-bellied etc. Here are some of them:

These are Red-eyed Bulbul. Saw quite a number of them here.

This Pin-Striped Tit Babbler was also seen foraging nearby.

This Blue-Winged Leafbird (Female) was seen collecting nesting materials to her nest.

This lone Grey-Headed Canary Flycatcher is a permanent resident here.

To get an opportunity to look at this majestic Rhinoceros Hornbill in the wild will certaintly take away all kinds of misery or disappointment in life. This bird (a male) was really silent. If not for its colorful and bright casque i would have miss it. Even when it flew off the typical sound of its wings flapping was missing - this bird was probably employing some stealth tactics.

Finally this Red-Bearded Beeater was seen resting on the top of a thick canopy.
At the end of the trail you will come across this sign. There is actually another smaller trail beyond this but it looks like it has not been used for awhile. So its advisable to just turn back.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Kemensah - April 2012

I had wanted to go to Ulu Langat earlier but a massive traffic congestion before Batu 14 town makes me detoured to Kemensah. So when i finally reached the place it was already close to 9.30am. Although i had only birded until 11.30am, but the birds seen was worthwhile to share here.
The first bird seen at the start of the trail was this Greater Racket-Tail Drongo which was calling out loudly.

This could be a potential lifer - have sent the photos for experts verification. Pending their comments, this bird looks more like a warbler than a flycatcher as its bill and legs are not black which are usually associated with a flycatcher. It could just have been one of those "Phylloscopus" Sp.

Foraging nearby was these Grey-Bellied Bulbuls.

This was certaintly the find of the day - a Black-Capped Babbler. Said to be common but certaintly not easy to locate and certaintly even harder to photograph. This bird was heard calling and it was just few inches above ground in a dark undergrowth. I did also managed to record its continous nasal call of nwit nwit or puip puip as some books id them. My lifer for today of course.

This is another beautiful bird to see - a Ruby-Cheeked Sunbird (male).

Finally this Rufescent Prinia was also presence here. Looks like they are everywhere at this time (April) - also saw them at Serendah and Taman Rimba Ampang earlier.

Exploring a New World of Mushrooms - March 2025

Climate change has affected many people - me included. I have detoured a little bit from the usual avian photos to highlight some of the mus...