Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Exploring a New World of Mushrooms - March 2025

Climate change has affected many people - me included. I have detoured a little bit from the usual avian photos to highlight some of the mushrooms which can be found along the trails. There are close to 4000 species of shrooms in Peninsular Malaysia alone (source: FRIM). I doubt I can see all those species in my lifetime but there are always something interesting which may pop out from time to time.

Red Waxcap mushroom

Hygrocybe firma

Mushrooms have a myriad of colours for you to see. The usual colours are either whitish or brownish. I have seen pink ones, orange ones, yellow, red and green ones as well. The remaining colour which I hope to see are those blue colour ones which is reported to be quite rare.

Ridge-stemmed bolete

Austroboletus Sp

Unlike birds, majority of the fungi found here are identified via their scientific names and hardly many with a common name. 

Ridge-stemmed bolete

Austroboletus Sp

What I have learnt from those mycologist is that if you wish to identify a fungi accurately, you will need to see their underside i.e their gills to be precise cause some fungi do not have gills like the above.

Cantharellus Sp

It has been reported that there are at least five species of Catharellus species which can be found in Peninsular Malaysia. The one above could be a C. cuticulatus according to a researcher from a Mycology group which I am a recent member.

The above could be a Cantharellus cerinoalbus which is reported to be the latest Sub-species found over here. Many Cantharellus species are reported to have an apricot scent.

Cantharellus cerinoalbus

What I have also observed is that young fungi can look totally different than when the grow into an adult fungi. So I guess that's where many enthusiast may make some errors in identifying them.

Cantharellus Sp

One of the best times to observe fungi is around a few days after a rainfall.

White Chalk Mushroom

Leococoprinus cretaceus

Many of the mushrooms seen here are just along the trails.

White Chalk Mushroom

Leococoprinus cretaceus

The above fungi emerged from a dead tree trunk although some can also be found from the ground.

They can also appear in many shapes.

                      Xylaria Sp                   


Hohenbuehelia Sp

The above appears like a fan shape.

Hohenbuehelia Sp

Some fungi have a gelatinous texture like the above species.

Hygrocybe Sp

Unlike the above, this Hygrocybe Sp has a red stipe/stem instead.

Hygrocybe Sp

They always look very striking in the dark jungle floor like those Red Trogons.

Echinochate Sp

Looks like a close relative of the more common Microporus Sp.

Termitomyces Sp

Some may also looked like your garden flowers.

Entoloma mastoidrum

Here's a pink one for you.

                 Another type of Hygrocybe Sp                              

This one I can see quite often at my local patch.

                     Sometimes even experts might find it difficult to identify a fungi like this one above.                                       

There are also micro mushrooms which you will need a magnifying glass to see them. 

Dicephalospora ruforcornea

Dicephalospora ruforcornea

Some may just grow from a small broken twig like these little ones.

Mycena myrifica

Some may just emerged from a dead leaf like these ones.

Mycena brunneisetosa

These are really small/micro fungi.

Jelly Fungus

Dacrymyces spathularia

Flowerpot Parasol

Leococoprinus Sp

So far this is the only green one I have seen.

Mycena Sp

Like a studio shot.

Hygrocybe Sp

This is a super rare one which you might probably not able to see :-) 



Exploring a New World of Mushrooms - March 2025

Climate change has affected many people - me included. I have detoured a little bit from the usual avian photos to highlight some of the mus...