Friday, 8 May 2020

Admiring the amazing cloud formations

It's almost two months now into MCO (Movement Control Order) due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This catastrophic virus has brought almost every economies and people into a standstill and with devastating effect. It was certainly an unwelcome and unpleasant thing to happened as the world embraces the 21st century. There is nothing much to do during a lock-down except looking upwards into the sky and be dazzled by the amazing cloud formations developing above us. Nephology is said to be a branch of meteorology which study clouds formation and these people are often called meteorologist. I a'int one of them but i was fascinated by these clouds formation recently. So i thought it would be interesting to share some of its photos with you folks out there.

Apparently there are three levels where clouds can form:

i) Low level clouds (i.e from 1km to 2km above ground) - example: Stratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus and stratocumulus

ii) Mid-level clouds (i.e from 2km to 7km above ground) - example: altocumulus, altostratus and nimbostratus

iii) High-level clouds (i.e from 7km to 16km above ground) - example: cirrus, cirrocumulus and cirrostratus.

Here are some of them:

1.1 - Cirrostratus nebulosus

1.2 - Cirrostratus nebulosus

Apparently the rainbow like colors are caused by crystal ice.

1.3 - Cirrostratus nebulosus

1.4 - Cirrus

1.5 - Cirrus

Is that the way to Heaven?

Note: 1.1 to 1.5 are high level clouds 

1.6 - altostratus

1.7 - altostratus

1.8 - altocumulus

This cloud formation can grow a few miles higher.

Note: 1.6 to 1.8 are mid-level clouds

1.9 - Cumulus

Like in a dream !

1.10 - Stratacumulus

Note: 1.9 to 1.10 are low-level clouds 

Some of the cloud formations can also look like beautiful paintings such as these ones:

This one (above) has multi toned layers.

Like Heaven shining its mighty light !

As dawn rises with a glimmer of hope.

There are also some odd shapes like these ones:
Like a chihuahua apparition.

Like the Statue of Liberty's torch

Like the thunder clouds in the music video of Sia, Diplo, & Labrinth!

In this part of the world (i.e in Malaysia) we do have "White Cloud Mountains" too like the ones in the Americas.

Genting Highlands - a view from KL during MCO.

The above photo was taken just before sunrise.

Until we are able to reach the clouds again

# Stay Home and Stay Safe !  

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