This time I drove straight to the location where i have earlier seen the Black-and-White Bulbuls, hoping to see them again after slightly more than a month from our previous encounter. Most of the birds seen previously were still there today except for the banded kingfisher, violet cuckoo and unfortunately the Black & White Bulbuls. Here are some of the new birds seen:
Rusty-Breasted Cuckoo |
This was the first bird seen in the early morning at this location.
This Eastern-Crowned Warbler was also seen here. Looks like the migrants are back.
Verditer Flycatcher |
Green Iora |
Its dark olive green plumage indicates a male bird
Lesser Cuckoo Shrike |
The last time i saw this bird was at Old Pump Hse near Awana.
Here are some of the previously seen birds:
Hairy-Backed Bulbul |
Lesser Green Leafbird (Female) |
Lesser Green Leafbird (Male) |
This image was taken a few days later. Can be differentiated from Greater Green leafbird from its smaller bill and its more yellowish head.
Black-Winged Flycatcher Shrike |
Whiskered Treeswift (Female) |
Whiskered Treeswift (Male) |
Scarlet Minivet |
No this is not a bird but a common flying lizard
The birding site.
The left side of the road was where the Black & White Bulbul was spotted. Certaintly no chance to sit near the road side unless you wish to be mauled down by speeding cars and bikes. Although the small berries which the Black & White Bulbuls feasted on were still there albeit in fewer numbers but they were certaintly not around in the entire morning. Well i guess i will just return at the same time again next year. Here is what a Thai birder has said in one of his field trips:
"Birding has so many aspects to it and besides chasing lifers i wanted to do photography, learn the bird calls and behaviors and let it slowly come to me"